Legacy Farm Solutions.

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Sustainably Grown Hemp Creates Green Jobs

“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”


– Theodore Roosevelt

Hemp is a powerhouse crop when it comes to sustainable production and ESPECIALLY green collar job creation.


Green collar jobs are jobs created via industries that are naturally good for our planet and environment. They are specially needed in communities that have been environmentally devastated by decades of unsustainable industries.


As we struggle with climate change and diminishing natural resources, industries are shifting, and consumers are demanding products and solutions that are better for the environment. Millions of dollars are being invested in ‘green economy’ solutions. And that means jobs – aka ‘green collar jobs’ — are created.


When it comes to crops and earth-friendly products that can be made, there is hardly any plant ‘greener’ then hemp!

Sustainable Hemp is Naturally Earth-Friendly and Resource Saving!

As the joke goes, hemp ‘grows like a weed.’ Hemp can be ready to harvest in as little as 75 to 85 days from sowing.


Hemp produces a huge amount of yield. A single acre of hemp can produce up to 1785 pounds of grain and 2,680 pounds of fiber or pulp. Grown for CBD oil, one acre of hemp will average about 2,500 lbs of oil.

Did You Know? A single acre of hemp can produce as much paper in a single
year as 10 acres of trees over 20 years. The future is bright for hemp-based
paper products!

There are 25,000 known commercial uses for hemp, all of them biodegradable and naturally earth-friendly. Hemp seed, flour, milk and oil for human and animal consumption, beverages, clothing, paper and personal care products like soap, shampoo and CBD-oils or infused products. Hemp can be even be made into ‘hempcrete’ and used to build homes.

Sustainably Grown Hemp Grows without Soil-Destroying Chemicals and Fertilizers

Hemp grows so quickly it easily out-competes weeds. And the best way to fertilize hemp is with inoculants and biologics that create a naturally happy, healthy soil.


This means hemp growers don’t need to depend on chemical weed killers and fertilizers to produce a good crop. And that’s better for the soil, beneficial bugs, native animals and our environment.

Did You Know? Hemp produces a ‘bast-fiber’ which can be turned into clothing
and textiles. Hemp can be grown with about half the amount of water but
produces 200 to 250 more pounds of fiber than cotton grown in the same
amount of space.

Hemp Reverses Climate Change and Cleans Up Contaminated Soil

Hemp absorbs carbon dioxide at a faster rate than any other crop. High carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere are linked to climate change. This means growing hemp helps reverse climate change!


And hemp ALSO is a powerful ‘phytoremediator. Its long taproots ‘clean up’ heavy metals and toxins from contaminated soils. Leaving our farmlands healthier for future crops.

Sustainably Grown Hemp Creates Green Jobs!

Combine all the uses for hemp plus how good it is for our environment and what do you get? A whole lot of jobs that support a healthy planet all created from one plant and one industry built around it – hemp.


That’s why here at Legacy Farm Solutions we say hemp creates “Hemp Collar Jobs.”  And we are very excited to be investing in hemp and generating a whole lot more of them.

Social Equity Pledge

Spring is Coming… Start Changing Lives Today! Learn How to Invest In and Plant an Equity Hemp Seed.

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